The Unsearchable Richness of Christ

By Thomas Brooks.

The Unsearchable Richness of Christ.

By Thomas Brooks.

The Contents of “The Unsearchable Richness of Christ”: Expained in Seven Doctrines by Thomas Brooks.

The first doctrine.
Those who are lowest in their own esteem, are highest in God’s esteem.

Eighteen properties of a humble soul.

Five reasons of the point.

Uses of it.

Eight motives to provoke believers to be humble.
Nine directions and helps to keep us humble and low in our own eyes.
The dangerous nature of pride held forth in nine propositions.

Six ways wherein pride shows itself.

The second doctrine.
All saints are not of an equal size and growth in grace and holiness.
Twelve things by which souls weak in grace are discovered and deciphered.
Twelve supports and comforts to uphold weak Christians.

Six duties which lie upon weak saints.
The duties of strong saints to the weak shown in eleven particulars.

The third doctrine.

That the Lord gives the best gifts to his best beloved ones.
What those best gifts are, which Christ bestows upon his dearest ones, shown in ten particulars.
The difference between Christ’s giving and the world’s giving, shown in six things.
The excellency of those gifts which Christ gives, above all other gifts that the world gives, shown in five things.
Six reasons why God gives the best gifts to his dearest ones.

Eight sweet inferences or uses made of this point.

A word to unsaved sinners.

The fourth doctrine.
That the gifts and graces which God bestows upon his people should be improved, employed, and exercised by his people.

This point proved and opened.

Twelve reasons why gracious souls should exercise and improve their gifts and graces.

Three special ends that the gifts and graces which God has bestowed upon believers should be exercised and improved to.

Seven considerations or motives to stir saints up to improve their gifts and graces.

Question: When may a soul be said to be excellent in grace, or to have highly improved grace? This question receives ten answers.

The fifth doctrine.
That the Lord Jesus Christ is very rich.

This point is opened and proved by eight arguments.

Four grounds and reasons why the Lord Jesus Christ is held forth in the word to be so very rich.

The excellency of the riches of Christ above all other riches in the world, held forth in seven particulars.

1st UseTo exhort Christians to labor to be spiritually rich.

Seven considerations or motives to work Christians to this; in the handling of which, several weighty questions are answered.

Question: What means must Christians use that they may grow rich in grace? Answered in eight things.

Seven propositions concerning spiritual riches. The serious minding of them may give to many much satisfaction, and prevent many objections.

Five marks of a person who is spiritually rich.

2nd Use. Do not join anything with Christ, in the great work of your redemption and salvation.

3rd Use. If Christ is so rich, then take heed of three things.

4th Use. If Christ is so rich, oh then open to Christ when he knocks.

5th Use. If Christ is so rich, then sit down and wonder at his condescending love.

6th Use. If Christ is so rich, then prize Christ above all. Five considerations to work Christians to a high prizing of Christ.

7th Use. Then trust to Christ, if he is so rich. Trust him with your best treasure. Trust him for power against the remainders of corruption. Trust him to bring you into the land of eternal rest.

8th Use. If Christ is so rich, then do not leave him, do not forsake him, do not turn your backs upon him.

9th Use. If Christ is so rich, oh then let Christians strive more and more to clear up their interest in Christ. Six directions herein.

A word to sinners.

Nine directions to poor souls who would gladly get a interest in Christ.

The sixth doctrine.
That it is the great duty of preachers or ministers to preach Jesus Christ to the people.

Five reasons why ministers must preach Christ to the people.

How Christ is to be preached, shown in eleven things. He must be preached:

(1.) plainly, clearly,

(2.) faithfully,

(3.) humbly,

(4.) wisely,

(5.) zealously,

(6.) laboriously,

(7.) exemplarily,

(8.) feelingly, experimentally,

(9.) rightly,

(10.) acceptably,

(11.) constantly.

Three rules or directions, that such are to observe, as would preach Christ aright to the people.

(1.) They must get a Christ within.

(2.) They must mind more, and study more Scripture truths, than human writings, hinted in seven things.

(3.) They should dwell much upon the vanity of human doctrines, the vanity of which doctrines is discovered in five things.

The seventh or last doctrine.
That the office of a faithful minister is an honorable office.

I. Seven things speak them out to be honorable.

(1.) The several worthy names and titles that are given them in Scripture, speak them out to be honorable.

(2.) Their work is honorable.

(3.) They are fellow-laborers with God in the salvation of sinners. And what greater honor than to be a co-worker with God?

(4.) The honorable account that God has of them, speaks out their office to be honorable.

(5.) They serve an honorable master.

(6.) Their very work and service is honorable.

(7.) Their reward is honorable.

II. What honor that is, which is due to faithful ministers, showed in three things.

(1.) Honorable countenance is due to them.

(2.) Honorable maintenance.

(3.) Honorable obedience.

A short use.

Question: How must Christians honor their faithful ministers? Shown in five things.

(1.) By hearing them, and giving credit to their messages which they deliver from the Lord.

(2.) By standing fast in the doctrine of the Lord delivered by them.

(3.) By being followers of them, so far as they are followers of Christ.

(4.) By bearing them upon your hearts, when you are in the mount.

(5.) By adhering to them, and abiding with them in all their trials, etc.

The USE of all.