By Thomas Brooks.
The Crown and Glory of Christianity, or,
Holiness, the Only Way to Happiness.
By Thomas Brooks.
Discovered in 58 sermons, from Hebrews 12:14. Where you have the Necessity, Excellency, Rarity, Beauty and Glory of Holiness set forth; with the resolution of many weighty Questions and Cases.
Also Motives and Means to perfect Holiness. With many other things of very high and great importance to all people who had rather be blessed than cursed, saved than damned.
“To him who orders his conduct aright, will I show the salvation of God.” Psalm50:23
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8.
“God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth.” 2 Thes. 2:13.
The Epistle Dedicatory
I. What this holiness is
II. The truth of the proposition, that “without
holiness, no man shall see the Lord”
III. Reasons
IV. Practical Application:
1. Conviction
2. Sixteen marks of a holy person
3. Fifteen motives
4. Sixteen counsels
5. Seven objections
6. Six evidences of the reality and power of holiness
7. Sixteen provocations to increased holiness
8. Degrees of glory
9. Eight means, helps, and directions for progress in holiness
10. Twelve evidences of high degrees of holiness
11. Twelve consolations to all who have real holiness
12. Seven positions concerning holiness