Huntington -The Believers Rule of Life

By William Huntington.

The Believers Rule of Life.

Condensed from “The Rule and Riddle.”

Published in 1811 by T. Bensley, London

By WIlliam Huntington.


“Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?”

The liberty which Peter here alludes to is the liberty of the Holy Spirit, which God had given them, which Paul calls the law of the Spirit of life, which made him free from the law of sin and death; and “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty,” (2 Cor.3:17) for, as David says, the Spirit of God is a free Spirit. (Psa. 2:12)

The rule that Peter gives them is faith, which purifies the heart. The unbearable yoke that they were going to tempt God with, by galling the neck of the disciples, was first, the needfulness of circumcision;

Secondly, a command to keep the law of Moses; and it is called tempting God, because it was a reflection cast upon His work who had purified their hearts by faith, and sent His Spirit to govern and lead them into all truth; as if the Holy Spirit was not sufficient to make them obedient, nor God’s purifying their hearts a sufficient purification, nor faith a sufficient rule, without yoking them with the killing letter as the only rule of life.

The law obeyed, and disarmed of its curse, is in the heart of the Mediator, who is Judge of quick and dead, and therefore keeps the keys of hell and of death. The believer is under the law of faith to Christ; and they that are His have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts; such are delivered from the law; and against such there is no law; and sin is not imputed where there is no law.

I do insist upon it that, if a believer be brought to the law of Moses, to be under it in any other sense, sin stares him in the face, wrath works in his heart, his enmity is stirred up, bondage seizes him, and despondency or despair will sink him, unless the law of the Spirit of life makes him free from the law of sin and death.

William Huntington

Table Of Contents


Quotes From William Huntington

The Believer’s Rule Of Life

Rule Of The Ancient Saints

Faith As A Rule Of Life

The Law Not Of Faith But Of Works

Look To Christ-Not The Law

The Letter Alone Not Sufficient To Life

Not Without Law To God

The Killing Letter-Not The Fountain Of Life

Why It Is Called The Law Of The Spirit

Do Not Make Void The Law Through Faith

Why It Is Called The Law Of Faith

Difference In The Two Mirrors

The Law Of Liberty

The Perfect Law Sets Free

Teachers Of Law Promise Liberty While They Are Servants Of


A Better Covenant

Whatsoever Is Not Of Faith Is Sin

Dead To The Law By The Body Of Christ

The Spirit And Grace Of God That Teaches

Now Serve In Newness Of Spirit

Not Without Direction And A Director

Bounds Of The Church Not Removed

Difference Between The Love Of God And The Law Of Wrath

Difference Between Covenant Of Law And Covenant Of


Legal Bondage And Gospel Liberty Cannot Stand Together

Jumbling The Two Covenants

Grace – Not Law Makes The Believer What He Is

The Law Is Good But Justifies None

No Good Effects By Preaching LawEvils Of Preaching Law

The Law Works Wrath And Judgment

The Saints All-Sufficient Rule

Seeking Perfection By The Law Is Foolish

The Law That Goes Forth Of Zion

The Two Ways Compared

The Word Law Defined
