The Believers Growth in Grace

By John Newton.

The Believers Growth in Grace.

Letters by John Newton.

John Newton:

After his conversion to Christianity, Newton pursued theological studies on his own and received ordination as an Anglican priest. However, his education was not formalized through university studies.

Newton primarily served as a parish priest in Olney and later became the rector of St Mary Woolnoth in London. His significant contributions were in the fields of theology, hymn-writing, and his active involvement in the abolitionist movement.

Contents of Letters in this book:

– The believers growth in grace.

– The work of grace.

– What a christian ought to be.

– Soldiers of Christ.

– A visitor from heaven!

– Will the sins of believers be publicly declared at the great day?

– Our common mercies.

– Love to the brethren.

– I was once blind but now I see.

– O for a warmer heart.