By Thomas Brooks.
Smooth Stones taken from Ancient Brooks.
By Thomas Brooks.
About the book:
“Smooth Stones aken from Ancient Brooks” (sometimes known as “Taken Stones from the Ancient Brooks”) is a collection of quotes by Thomas Brooks.
Some Stones taken the book from the book
Grace is a ring of gold — and Christ is the sparkling diamond in that ring!
The best and sweetest flowers of Paradise, God gives to his people when they are upon their knees. Prayer is the gate of Heaven — a key to let us in to Paradise.
Augustine prayed, “Deliver me, O Lord, from that evil man, myself!”
Grace is a sweet flower of paradise, a spark of glory!
A humble soul is like the violet, which by its fragrance draws the eye and the heart
of others to it.
“Whatever is not of faith, is sin.” Until men have faith in Christ, their best services
are but glorious sins!
The more rusty the iron is, the oftener we put it into the fire to purify it. The more crooked it is, the more blows and the harder blows, we give to straighten it. Therefore, Christian, if you have long been a-gathering rust, you have no cause to complain if God deal thus with you!
Faith is the key that unlocks Paradise and lets a flood of joy into the soul.
Cold prayers shall never have any warm answers. God will suit his returns to our requests. Cold prayers are as arrows without heads, as swords without edges, as birds without wings — they pierce not, they cut not, they fly not up to Heaven. Cold prayers always freeze before they reach Heaven.
Little sins multiplied, become great. There is nothing less than a grain of sand — yet there is nothing heavier than the sand of the sea when multiplied.
Little sins are very dangerous!
A little leaven, leavens the whole lump.
A little knife, may kill.
A little leak in a ship, may sink it.
A little flaw in a good cause, mars it.
Just so, a little sin may at once bar the door of Heaven, and open the gates of Hell!
Though the scorpion is little — yet will it sting a lion to death!
Just so will the least sin, if not pardoned by the death of Christ!