By John Owen.
Pneumatologia or on the Holy Spirit.
By John Owen.
A DISCOURSE CONCERNING THE HOLY SPIRIT wherein an account is given of his Name, Nature, Personality, Operations and EffectsL; His whole work in the old and new creation is explained; The doctrine concerning it vindicated from oppositions and reproaches.
The nature and necessity of gospel holiness; the differences between grace and morality, or a spiritual life unto God in evangelical pbedience and a course of moral, virtues, are stated and declared.
Contents Pneumatologia or, A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit
Book I.
Chapter I. General principles concerning the Holy Spirit and his work.
Chapter II. The name and titles of the Holy Spirit.
Chapter III. Divine nature and personality of the Holy Spirit proved and vindicated.
Chapter IV. Peculiar works of the Holy Spirit in the first or old creation.
Chapter V. Way and manner of the divine dispensation of the Holy Spirit.
Book II.
Chapter I. Peculiar operations of the Holy Spirit under the Old Testament preparatory for the New.
Chapter II. General dispensation of the Holy Spirit with respect unto the new creation
Chapter III. Work of the Holy Spirit with repsect unto the head of the new creation — the human nature of Christ.
Chapter IV. Work of the Holy Spirit in and on the human nature of Christ.
Chapter V. The general work fo the Holy Spirit in the new creation with respect unto the members of that body whereof Christ is the head.
Book III.
Chapter I. Work of the Holy Spirit in the new creation by regeneration.
Chapter II. Works of the Holy Spirit preparatory unto regeneration.
Chapter III. Corruption or depravation of the mind by sin.
Chapter IV. Life and death, natural and spiritual, compared.
Chapter V. The nature, causes, and means of regeneration.
Chapter VI. The manner of conversion explained in the instance of Augustine.
Book IV.
Chapter I. The nature of sanctification and gospel holiness explained.
Chapter II. Sanctification a progressive work.
Chapter III. Believers the only object of sanctification, and subject of gospel holiness.
Chapter IV. The defilement of sin, wherein it consists, with its purification.
Chapter V. The filth of sin purged by the Spirit and the blood of Christ.
Chapter VI. The positive work of the Spirit in the sanctification of believers.
Chapter VII. Of the acts and duties of holiness.
Chapter VIII. Mortification of sin, the nature and causes of it.
Book V.
Chapter I. Necessity of holiness from the consideration of the nature of God.
Chapter II. Eternal election a cause of and motive unto holiness.
Chapter III. Holiness necessary from the commands of God.
Chapter IV. Necessity of holiness from God’s sending Jesus Christ.
Chapter V. Necessity of holiness from our condition in this world.
Book VI. Part I. The Reason of Faith.
Book VI. Part II. The Causes, Ways, and Means of Understanding the Mind of God.
Book VII. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Prayer.
Book VIII. The Spirit as a Comforter.
Book IX. A Discourse of Spiritual Gifts.
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