By John Owen.
Two short Catechisms, wherein the principles of the doctrine of chirst, are unfolded and explained.
Proper for all persons to learn before they be admitted to the sacrament of the Lord’s supper; and composed for the use of all congregations in general.
By dr. John Owen.
The two Catechisms are :
“The Lesser Catechism” that is designed for the instruction of children; — and the second one is “The Greater,” for the examination of persons more advanced in years. They are chiefly doctrinal.
John Owen’s intention in them being, principally, to hold out those necessary truths wherein you have been in my preaching more fully instructed. As they are, the use of them I shall briefly present unto you:
1. The Lesser Catechism may be so learned of the younger sort, thatmthey may be ready to answer to every question thereof.
2. The Greater will call to mind much of what has been taught you in public, especially concerning the Person and Offices of Jesus Christ.
3. Out of that you may have help to instruct your families in the Lesser, being so framed, for the most part, that a chapter of the one is spent in unfolding a question of the other.
4. The texts of Scripture quoted are diligently to be sought out and pondered, that you may know indeed whether these things are so.
5. In reading the Word, you may have light into the meaning of many places, by considering what they are produced to confirm.
6. I have been sparing in the doctrine of the Sacraments, because I have already been so frequent in examinations about them.
Now, in all this, as the pains has been mine, so I pray that the benefit may be yours, and the praise His, to whom alone any good that is in this or any thing else is to be ascribed. Now, the God of heaven continue that peace, love, and amity, amongst ourselves, which hitherto has been unshaken, in these divided times, and grant that the scepter and kingdom of his Son may be gloriously advanced in your hearts, that the things which concern your peace may not be hidden from your eyes in this your day; Which is the daily prayer of…
Your servant in the work of the Lord,
John Owen
Taken from John Owen’s introduction of the two catechisms.
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