John Owen – The Glory of Christ

By John Owen.

Meditations and discourses on the Glory of Christ in his Person, Office and Grace: with the differences between faith and sight, applied unto the use of them that believe.

By John Owen.

First edition 1684.

Reprinted 1696 with two additional chapters found among the papers of Dr Owen. The Works of John Owen, edited by William H Goold, first published by Johnstone and Hunter 1850–1853.

Reprinted by photolithography and published by the Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh 1965.

Table of Contents on the Glory of Christ:
Prefatory note..
Preface to the reader.
Chapter I. The explication of the text.
Chapter II. The glory of the person of Christ, as the only representative of God unto the church.
Chapter III. The glory of Christ in the mysterious constitution of his person.
Chapter IV. The glory of Christ in his susception of the office of a mediator— first in his condescension.
Chapter V. The glory of Christ in his love.
Chapter VI. The glory of Christ in the discharge of his mediatory office.
Chapter VII. The glory of Christ in his exaltation after the accomplishment of the work of mediation in this world.
Chapter VIII. Representations of the glory of Christ under the Old Testament.
Chapter IX. The glory of Christ in his intimate conjunction with the church.
Chapter X. The glory of Christ in the communication of himself unto believers
Chapter XI. The glory of Christ in the recapitulation of all things in him.
Chapter XII. Differences between our beholding the glory of Christ by faith in this world and by sight in heaven — the first of them explained.
Chapter XIII. The second difference between our beholding the glory of Christ by faith in this world and by sight in heaven.
Chapter XIV. Other differences between our beholding the glory of Christ by faith in this world and by sight in heaven.

Meditations and Discourses Concerning the Glory of Christ:
Original preface.
Chapter I. Application of the foregoing meditations concerning the glory of Christ — first, in an exhortation unto such as are not yet partakers of him.
Chapter II. The way and means of the recovery of spiritual decays, and of obtaining fresh springs of grace.

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