Philpot – Gospel Standard Reviews – I

By Joseph Charles Philpot.

Gospel Standard Reviews.

Volume 1

By Joseph Charles Philpot.





INDEX of this BOOK:

— The Experience of Sukey Harley. By the Rector’s Daughter.

— A Short Account of the Happy and Triumphant Death of the late Mr. Robert Creasey, Minister of the Gospel, March, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire; to which is added, a Selection of his Letters

— The Resurrection Body; being the views of James Godsmark, Minister of Providence Chapel, Hackney.

— A Pamphlet by J. Godsmark, being a further Declaration of his Views on the Resurrection.

— The Resurrection of Christ’s Identical Body Proved. By George Abrahams, Minister of Regent Street Chapel, City Road.

— Popery; its Character and its Crimes. By William Elfe Tayler.

— The Teachings of the Spirit; exemplified in the Writings of Sarah Church, a young Cottager.

— Whitefield at Lisbon. Being an account of the Blasphemy and Idolatry of Popery, as witnessed by that servant of God, George Whitefield, during his stay at the above City. Also, a Narrative of the Dreadful Earthquake that totally Destroyed the City, with Sixty Thousand Inhabitants, shortly after Mr. Whitefield’s visit; with his remarks thereon.

— The Christian World Unmasked. Come and Peep. By John Berridge, A.M.

— An Exposition of the New Testament; in which the sense of the sacred text is taken; doctrinal and practical truths are set in a plain and easy light; difficult passages explained; seeming contradictions reconciled; and whatever is material in the various readings and several Oriental versions is observed. The whole illustrated with Notes, taken from the most ancient Jewish writings. By John Gill D.D.

— A Warning to Ministers; or, The Dangers Incident to the Ministerial Office. A Fragment, by Jonathan R. Anderson, Minister of Knox’s Church, Glasgow.

— A Day in Knox’s Free Church, Glasgow; being Notes of Lecture and Sermon delivered 12th Oct., 1851, by J. R. Anderson.

— John Knox Tracts.

— A Brief Account of the Rich Display of God’s Grace, Mercy, and Love, in the Life and Conversion of James Lewis of Chichester, Sussex, with a Preface and Account of his death, by, James Hallett.A Selection of Hymns for the use of Sunday Schools. By the late William Gadsby. With a Supplement.

— Obituary of Mrs. E. Parsons, wife of Mr. Edward Parsons, late Minister of the Gospel, Zion Chapel, Chichester. From a Manuscript by her husband.

— A Treatise on Various Subjects. By John Brine.

— “The Greatness of the Soul, and the Unspeakableness of the loss thereof.” “No Way to Heaven but by Jesus Christ.” “The Strait Gate.” By John Bunyan. To which is prefixed an Introductory Essay on his Genius and Writings, by Robert Philip, author of the “Life and, Times of Bunyan.”

— The Christian Philosopher Triumphing over Death. A Narrative of the Closing Scenes of the Life of the late Wm. Gordon, M.D., F.L.S., of Kingston-upon-Hull. By Newman Hall, B.A.

— The Protector; a Vindication. By J. H. Merle d’Aubigne.

— The Life and Times of Lady Huntingdon.

— The Experience of George Whitefield. Written by himself.

— How many Lies are there in the Church Catechism? By a Seceder.

— Epistles of Faith. By the late Mr. Huntington.

— Spiritual Pride; its Deceitful Nature and Evil Fruits. By President Edwards.

— Letters of Samuel Rutherford, late Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews.

— An Exposition of the Old and New Testaments. By John Gill, D.D.

— Apocalyptic Sketches. By Dr. Cumming.

— Signs of the Times. The Moslem and his End; the Christian and his Hope. By Dr. Cumming.

— The Coming Struggle among the Nations of the Earth.

— The Little Gleaner; a Monthly Magazine for Children.

— An Exposition of the Book of Solomon’s Songs, commonly called Canticles. By John Gill, D.D.

— A Treatise on some Important Subjects, viz., On the Church of God, &c. By C. H. Coles, late —– Pastor of the Baptist Church, Old Brentford.The Spirit of God Grieved, and the Church of God Sleeping. A Letter. By C. H. Marston.

— Is it possible to Make the Best of Both Worlds? A Book for Young Men. By T. Binney.

— The History of an Idol, its Rise, Reign, and Progress.

— The Church of God; or, Essays upon some Descriptive Names and Titles given in the Scriptures by God the Holy Ghost to the General Assembly of all True Believers in God the Son, or the God-man Jesus Christ. To which is added, Christian Husbandry; or, a Companion for the Christian in his Field and Garden. By Ambrose Serle.

— Jehoshaphat and his Fathers; or, Evenings alone with God and his word.

— The Most Holy Trinity, &c. The Doctrine illustrated and proved from the Scriptures. By Ebenezer Soper.

— Hymns of the Reformation. By Dr. Martin Luther, and others. From the German. To which is added, His Life, translated from the original

— Latin of Philip Melancthon. By the Author of the “Pastor’s Legacy”.

— Objections to Certain Doctrines generally held by Persons calling themselves “Brethren:” with some remarks upon the Nature and Grounds of Living Faith, in a Letter to a Friend. By a Servant of the Church.

— The Life of Luther written by himself; or, the Autobiography of Luther, in passages extracted from his Writings, including his experiences, struggles, doubts, temptations, and consolations. With additions and Illustrations. Collected and arranged by M. Michelet.

— The Two Natures of a Believer; as they are revealed in Scripture, and evidenced by Experience in the Work of Regeneration and Sanctification.

— Hymns Composed on Various Subjects. By John Wigmore.

— The Posthumous Letters of the late Wm. Huntington, &c.

— Salvation by Grace, the Substance of a Sermon from 1 Cor. 15:10, preached at the High Chapel, Helmsley Blackmoor, Yorkshire, on Lord’s day evening, Oct. 14th, 1855. By William Tiptaft.

— The Love, Wisdom, and Faithfulness of Jehovah, displayed in all his dealings with his Children. By Thomas Dray, Minister of Robert Street Chapel, Brighton, Sussex.Calvin’s Calvinism, Part I. A Treatise “On the Eternal Predestination of God.” To which is added, “A Brief Reply to a certain Calumniator of the Doctrine of Eternal Predestination.” By John Calvin. Originally published at Geneva, A.D. 1552, and now first translated into English, by Henry Cole, D.D., of Clare Hall, Cambridge.

Book description:

“Reprinted Reviews of the Gospel Standard” is a collection of reviews written by Joseph Charles Philpot for “The Gospel Standard”, a British Baptist magazine, between 1835 and 1860. Philpot was a regular contributor to the magazine, and his reviews covered a wide range of topics, including theology, church history, and spiritual biographies.

The reviews were reprinted in book form in 1862, two years after Philpot’s death, and provide a valuable insight into his theological views and literary style. The reviews demonstrate Philpot’s deep knowledge of the Bible and his commitment to the doctrines of grace, particularly the Reformed doctrines of election, justification, and sanctification.

Philpot was also an avid reader, and his reviews demonstrate his familiarity with the works of theologians and Christian authors from various denominational backgrounds, including Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Methodists. He was known for his ability to critique works from a Reformed perspective, while also appreciating the insights of other authors.

Overall, “Reprinted Reviews of the Gospel Standard” provides a valuable resource for those interested in the theological thought of J.C. Philpot, as well as for those seeking to gain a deeper understanding of 19th century British Baptist theology and literary culture.