Bible Society.

The Story of Mary Jones and her Bible.
British and Foreighn Bible Society.
About the story of Mary Jones:
Mary Jones was a Welsh girl who lived in the late 18th century. She had a strong desire to own a copy of the Welsh Bible so that she could read it at home.
However, at the time, there were very few copies of the Welsh Bible available, and they were often expensive.
Undeterred, Mary Jones saved up for six years, walking over 25 miles barefoot to Bala in North Wales to buy a copy of the Welsh Bible from the Reverend Thomas Charles.
The story of Mary’s dedication to owning a copy of the Bible inspired the founding of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1804, which sought to make the Bible available in all languages.
The British and Foreign Bible Society:
The British and Foreign Bible Society (now known as the Bible Society) is a non-denominational Christian organization that works to make the Bible available to people around the world. Its mission is to translate, publish, and distribute the Bible in as many languages as possible, and it has played a significant role in making the Bible accessible to people in many countries.
Mary Jones’ story is often cited as an example of the importance of the Bible and the dedication of people who seek to read and understand its teachings.