By Thomas Brooks.
Apples of Gold.
By Thomas Brooks.
Apples of Gold for Young Men,
and a Crown of Honor forOld Men
The Young Man’s Work,
and the Old Man’s Reward
“The hoary head is a crown of glory—if it be found in a way of righteousness.” Proverbs 16:31
Introduction of this book by Thomas Brooks:
So say I, to you, O young people! do I dedicate the ensuing treatise, and that,
First, Because the matter contained therein does primarily and eminently concern you.
And secondly, Because of an earnest desire that I have of your internal and eternal welfare.
And thirdly, Because of some late impulses that have been upon my spirit to leave this treatise in your hands as a legacy of my love, and as a testimony and witness of my great ambition to help forward your everlasting salvation.
And fourthly, Because there is most hope of doing good among you, as I evidence more at large in the following treatise.
And fifthly, To countermine the great underminer of your souls, whose great design is to poison you, and to possess you, in the morning of your days.
Sixthly, To provoke others that are more able and worthy to be more serviceable to you in declaring themselves fully on this very subject, which none yet have done that I know of, though it be a point of as great concern to young people especially, as any I know in all the Scriptures, Eph. 4:14.
Seventhly, and lastly, Because there are very many who lie in wait to deceive, corrupt, and poison your minds with God-dishonoring, Christ-denying, conscience-wasting, and soul-damning opinions, principles, and blasphemies.
Contents of “Apples of Gold”:
Chapter 1 That it is a very desirable and commendable thing for young men to be really godly early.
Chapter 2 The great honor it is to be an old disciple —shown in seven particulars.
Chapter 3 The Evils of Youth — named 5 evils.
Chapter 4 An EXHORTATION to all young people.
Chapter 5 Question. But here an apt question may be moved, namely, Whether at this great day, the sins of the saints shall be brought into the judgment of discussion, and discovery, or not? Whether the Lord will in this day publicly manifest, proclaim, and make mention of the sins of his people, or not?
Chapter 6 Directions and Help.
Chapter 7 The things which must carefully and diligently be practiced, if ever you would be godly early.
Chapter 8 To the directions that young men must follow, if they would be godly early, if they would seek and serve the Lord in the spring and morning of their days. I shall now give some brief answers to the young man’s objections.
Chapter 9 Brief answers to the old man’s scruples, and so close up this discourse.