With Christ in the School of Prayer

By Andrew Murray.

With Christ in the School of Prayer.

By Andrew Murray.

And it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, that when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him, Lord, teach us to pray.’–Luke 11-1.

ANDREW MURRAY was born in South Africa in 1828. After receiving his education in Scotland and Holland, he returned to South Africa and spent many years as both pastor and missionary.

He was a staunch advocate of biblical Christianity, and is best known for his many devotional books.


It is under a deep impression that the place and power of prayer in the Christian life is too little understood, that this book has been written. I feel sure that as long as we look on prayer chiefly as the means of maintaining our own Christian life, we shall not know fully what it is meant to be. But when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us, the root and strength of all other work, we shall see that there is nothing that we so need to study and practise as the art of praying aright.

If I have at all succeeded in pointing out the progressive teaching of our Lord in regard to prayer, and the distinct reference the wonderful promises of the last night (John xiv. 16) have to the works we are to do in His Name, to the greater works, and to the bearing much fruit, we shall all admit that it is only when the Church gives herself up to this holy work of intercession that we can expect the power of Christ to manifest itself in her behalf. It is my prayer that God may use this little book to make clearer to some of His children the wonderful place of power and influence which He is waiting for them to occupy, and for which a weary world is waiting too.

In connection with this there is another truth that has come to me with wonderful clearness as I studied the teaching of Jesus on prayer. It is this: that the Father waits to hear every prayer of faith, to give us whatsoever we will, and whatsoever we ask in Jesus’ name. We have become so accustomed to limit the wonderful love and the large promises of our God, that we cannot read the simplest and clearest statements of our Lord without the qualifying clauses by which we guard and expound them.

If there is one thing I think the Church needs to learn, it is that God means prayer to have an answer, and that it hath not entered into the heart of man to conceive what God will do for His child who gives himself to believe that his prayer will be heard. God hears prayer; this is a truth universally admitted, but of which very few understand the meaning, or experience the power. If what I have written stir my reader to go to the Master’s words, and take His wondrous promises simply and literally as they stand, my object has been attained.

And then just one thing more. Thousands have in these last years found an unspeakable blessing in learning how completely Christ is our life, and how He undertakes to be and to do all in us that we need. I know not if we have yet learned to apply this truth to our prayer-life.

Many,complain that they have not the power to pray in faith, to pray the effectual prayer that avails much. The message I would fain bring them is that the blessed Jesus is waiting, is longing, to teach them this. Christ is our life: in heaven He ever lives to pray; His life in us is an ever-praying life, if we will but trust Him for it. Christ teaches us to pray not only by example, by instruction, by command, by promises, but by showing us HIMSELF, the ever-living Intercessor, as our Life. It is when we believe this, and go and abide in Him for our prayer-life too, that our fears of not being able to pray aright will vanish, and we shall joyfully and triumphantly trust our Lord to teach us to pray, to be Himself the life and the power of our prayer.

May God open our eyes to see what the holy ministry of intercession is to which, as His royal priesthood, we have been set apart. May He give us a large and strong heart to believe what mighty influence our prayers can exert. And may all fear as to our being able to fulfill our vocation vanish as we see Jesus, living ever to pray, living in us to pray, and standing surety for our prayer-life.


WELLINGTON, 28^th October 1895


FIRST LESSON. Lord, teach us to pray

SECOND LESSON. In spirit and truth

THIRD LESSON. Pray to your Father, which is in secret

FOURTH LESSON: After this manner pray

FIFTH LESSON. Ask, and it shall be given you

SIXTH LESSON. How much more?

SEVENTH LESSON. How much more the Holy Spirit

EIGHTH LESSON. Because of his importunity

NINTH LESSON. Pray the Lord of the harvest

TENTH LESSON. What will you?

ELEVENTH LESSON. Believe that you have received

TWELFTH LESSON. Have faith in God

THIRTEENTH LESSON. Prayer and fasting

FOURTEENTH LESSON. When you stand praying, forgive


SIXTEENTH LESSON. Speedily, though bearing long

SEVENTEENTH LESSON. I know that You hear me always

EIGHTEENTH LESSON: Whose is this image?

NINTEENTH LESSON. I go unto the Father!

TWENTIETH LESSON. That the Father may be glorified

TWENTY-FIRST LESSON. If you abide in me


TWENTY-THIRD LESSON. Bear fruit, that the Father may give what you ask



TWENTY-SIXTH LESSON. I have prayed for you


TWENTY-EIGHTH LESSON. Father! Not what I will

TWENTY-NINTH LESSON. According to His will

THIRTIETH LESSON. An holy priesthood

THIRTY-FIRST LESSON. Pray without ceasing


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