John Flavel – Touchstone of Sincerity

By John Flavel.

Touchstone of Sincerity, or, the Signs of Grace, and Symptoms of Hypocrisy.

In Twelve Chapters.

By John Flavel.

About the Author:

John Flavel (1627-1691) was an English Presbyterian minister and author, known for his devotional writings and sermons. He served as a pastor in the town of Dartmouth, England, and was a prominent figure in the Puritan movement of the 17th century.

Contents Touchstone of Sincerity:

Revelation 3:17-18
Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—anddo not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and whitegarments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not berevealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.

Chapter I
Wherein the text is opened, and the doctrines are propounded.

Chapter II
DOCTRINE. I That many professors of religion are under very great and dangerous mistakes in their professions.

Chapter III
DOCTRINE. II That true grace is exceeding precious, and greatly enriches the soul that has it: It is Christ’s gold.

Chapter IV
DOCTRINE. III That only is to be accounted true grace, which is able to endure all those trials appointed or permitted for the discovery of it.

Chapter V
Showing what probation adversity makes of the sincerity or unsoundness of our hearts.

Chapter VI
Showing indwelling sin to be to grace, what fire is to gold; and how the soundness and unsoundness of our hearts are discovered by our carriage towards it.

Chapter VII
Showing what proof or trial is made of the soundness, or unsoundness of our graces by the duties of religion which we perform.

Chapter VIII
Opening the trials of sincerity and hypocrisy, by sufferings upon the account of religion.

Chapter IX
Opening the designs and ends of God, in bringing the professors of religion intosuch various trials of their graces in this world.

Chapter X
Showing that that grace only is to be reckoned sincere and real, which can endurethose trials which God appoints, or permits, for the discovery of it.

Chapter XI
Containing divers practical instructive inferences from this doctrine; with a serious exhortation to self-trial and thorough examination.

Chapter XII
Containing divers helps for the clearing of sincerity and discovery of hypocrisy.

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