The Legacy of a dying Mother

By Thooms Brooks.

The Legacy of a dying mother.

By Thomas Brooks.

The Legacy of a Dying Mother.
To her mourning children, being the experiences of Mrs. Susanna Bell, who died March 13, 1672. With an epistle dedicatory by Thomas Brooks minister of the gospel, London, 1673.

To his honored friends, and to the children of Mrs. Susanna Bell, deceased; the author wishes all grace, mercy, and peace. My design in this epistle is not to compliment you—but to benefit you; it is not to tickle your ears—but to better your hearts; nor it is not to emblazon her name or fame to the world, whose heaven-born soul is now at rest with God, and who is swallowed up in those transcendent enjoyments of that other world which are above the comprehensions of my mind and the expressions and praises of my pen—but it is to allure and draw you to an imitation of what was praiseworthy in her. Shall I hint at a few things?