The Works of Thomas Goodwin – III

By Thomas Goodwin.

The Works of Thomas Goodwin, D.D.


By Thomas Goodwin.

The Works of Thomas Goodwin, Volume 3.

1. An Exposition of the Revelation.

2. Certain Select Cases Resolved:

a.) A Child of Light Walking in Darkness. Isaiah 50:10-11.

b.) The Return of Prayers. Psalm 85:8.

c.) The Trial of a Christian’s Growth. John 15:1-2.

d.) The Vanity of Thoughts. Jeremiah 4:14.

Taken from the Banner of Truth:

The third volume contains ‘An Exposition of the Book of Revelation,’ which is followed by ‘Three Select Cases Resolved.’ And Goodwin’s Three Cases are as lastingly valuable to me as his Revelation is worthless. Goodwin warns his readers that some of them may find his Revelation somewhat ‘craggy and tiresome.’ And I am fain to confess that I am one of those readers. The true key to the Book of Revelation had not been discovered in Goodwin’s day.

And, therefore, I thankfully accept his offered permission to leave his Revelation alone. But if his Revelation is ‘craggy and tiresome’ to me, his ‘Select Cases ‘are everything but that. The truth is, there is no part of Goodwin’s twelve volumes that has been more thumbed by me from my youth up than just his ‘Three Select Cases.’ The ablest, the most scholarly, the most elaborate, and, I need. not say, the most eloquent book of case-divinity in the English language, is Jeremy Taylor’s Ductor Dubilantium.

The Ductor is a book that every divinity student ought to read once at any rate in his lifetime, even if he finds it also to be somewhat craggy and tiresome in some parts. But if he reads Goodwin’s ‘Select Cases’ once, and if he needs them as much as I do, they will never be long out of his hands. ‘Likewise, at the same time,’ says James Fraser of Brea, ‘I received much knowledge and much comfort from Mr. Goodwin’s works, especially from his Growth in Grace. For that book of his answered to the frame of my heart as face answers to face.’ ‘The Three Select Cases’ are:

‘A Child of Light Walking in Darkness,’ ‘The Return of Prayers,’ and ‘The Trial of a Christian’s Growth.’

Looking for a Hardcover or Paperback?

For those who want to have a hardcover or a paperback of this book, I want to suggest you to look here. For the complete works of Thomas Goodwin, look here.